


Solution for a team


Successful communication makes clients feel that they are heard. But it is not an easy task, especially when you are on a cross-cultural project. During decades of experience as a journalist in Japan, the U.S., and Denmark, I have developed the skill of extracting the essence of issues and finding the right tone of voice that resonates with audiences of different cultures. I will assist you in crafting the most relevant message and delivering it effectively.

  • Consultation for clients who need strong communications expertise for Japan-related business


Writing that works


Fact and accuracy are important. I was trained to write fact-rich articles for the newspaper’s 9 million readers in deadline-driven, fast-paced environments. However, well-told stories almost always win over numbers and statistics. With a good understanding of the power of storytelling, I will deliver fact-rich articles as well as contents that go straight to the heart.

  • Research and writing articles, interviewing, and copywriting. TV, radio, and podcast appearance. Photo and video shooting

  • English and/or Japanese


Inspiration for you


When I came to Denmark at the age of 39, I had just finished my assignment as a foreign correspondent in Washington D.C. and was about to be a mother for the first time. Experiencing this drastic life change gave me humble insights and motivated me to share my personal story. What surprised me was that my story resonated with people from so many different backgrounds.

  • Inspiration for relevant events






・北欧事情に関する取材・記事執筆、写真撮影、テレビ等への映像提供。テレビやラジオ, ポッドキャストの番組出演





  • 海外企業とのコラボレーション、コピーライティング、ブランド戦略のサポートなど、各種ビジネス支援




39歳まで新聞記者として仕事一辺倒の生活を送っていた私ですが、そこから北欧に移住し、子供2人を出産し、デンマーク人の夫と子育てに追われながら新しいキャリアを模索する—という大きな変化を経験しました。その経緯を、オンライン雑誌「クーリエ・ジャポン」や「日経DUAL」の連載記事などに掲載したところ、多くの反響をいただき、かつての自分と同じような悩みを抱える人が多いことを実感しました。北欧事情のほか、ライフデザインやキャリアデザイン、ハーバード大学で受けた「幸せの授業」(Positive Psychology)についてなど、関連テーマについてお話します。